About Project

NIH/WRD Application is a mobile and web-based interface to record and monitor the performance of hydrology projects using nine major performance indicators spread across three domains of Agricultural Evaluation, Water use and physical performance and Economic evaluation in the state of Madhya Pradesh. The app provides functionalities for two levels of users (Associate and Executive) and indicator calculation for a single project.

Here are some key details and features of NIH/WRD App:

  • Masters Management: Admin user has the rights to create the various kind of masters like geography masters, Project master, crop master etc.
  • User Management: Admin user can create and manage the users and their role and permissions.
  • Water use, Physical Performance and Economic Data: Under this functionality Associate user will enter year wise details of for Water use, Physical Performance and Economic Data and submit for approval.
  • Agricultural Evaluation Data (Crop Details): Under this functionality Associate user will enter year wise details of for Agricultural Evaluation Data (Crop Details). Multiple crops details can be entered and mark them base crop if any crop is base crop for the particular project area. After that submit for approval.
  • Approval: Executive user has the privileges of edit and approve or reject the data entered by Associate user for different data entries.
  • Report Summary: Application allows users to view project wise summary of the data entered and submitted under Water requirements, Economic details and also Crop details. Also, can view the details for Water requirements, Economic details and also Crop. Executive user can view calculated Indicator values for the selected year and season.
  • Graphical Visualization: Under this functionality user can select the indicator, year and season to generate the graphical presentation.