- Phone Mentoring: Children often wonder whom to ask a science question or a maths
puzzle or discuss that burning query? Sad reality is, very few (poor) children have
access to anyone to look up to in such moments (curiosity killer!). To address this very
basic need of children, Spread Creativity project has launched this mobile tutoring
concept (as pilot) to fill in the real life need of guidance among students, especially
from under-educated family backgrounds. Phone Mentors are registered on the Spread
Creativity portal and upon due diligence are carefully mapped to students of registered
schools. The mentors then guide the students remotely.
- Input: Soccer camp, Creativity capsules, Health camps, Web-portal, Training of
- Output: No. of students regularly (>90%) at- tending creativity classes and/or
soccer camps per month, No. of new batches (soccer or creativity classes) started per
month, No. of mentors trained per month.
- Outcomes: Increased and regular participation of students in creativity classes
and soccer camps, Improved understanding of concepts, Improved self-efficacy and
motivational learning, Improved student awareness of health, gender issues, and career
- Impact: Increased student at- tendance and better grades, Greater creativity
in dealing with complex issues in daily life (aca- demic and social), Improved health
be- haviors and gender sen- sitivity.
Description of actual services provided: Developed and delivered the Beginner,
Intermediate, and Advanced level content for three subjects Math, Science and English. One
hour football session a day.