Design and development of Data Informed Platform for Health (DIPH) Govt. of Ethiopia


Feb 2018-Oct 2019

Project Domain



All 9 provinces of Ethiopia

Number of Users

- Users

About Project

LSHTM IDEAS project's Data Informed Platform for Health (DIPH) is a decision-making support system which facilitates review and use of data in local level decision-making in the health sector and is evidently an effective mechanism for multi-sectoral data sharing and data-based decision making using local programme and service data at district level.

Specific objectives of the assignment are:

  1. DEVELOP and support implementation of a comprehensive data informed platform for health.
  2. STRENGTHEN health systems capacity to effectively consume health data generated by disparate digital data sources in order to make congruent, evidence based, informed decisions, plans, and policies, by: Creating a centralised health system data-sink powered by R, to act as analytics engine for dashboards, reports, patient and provider alerts and reminders, AI/ML enabled predictive, proactive and reactive analytics etc.
  3. Developing multi-tiered interactive visualizations and reports.
  4. Automating stakeholder-specific health messaging, alerts and reminders (for activity status, meeting reminders, follow-up etc.) system.

Applications Developed

Mobile & Web-based

Data Informed Platform for Health App

DIPH is a decision-making support system which facilitates review..

Data Informed Platform for Health Web

DIPH is a decision-making support system which facilitates review..
