Description of Project
- Rapid supply chain assessment to inform the supply chain model
The agency will develop assessment tools which will include
qualitative tools for IDIs with relevant stakeholders at all levels
including key stakeholders at state level (NHM AMB/ MH nodal
officer and procurement corporation officials) along with checklists
for warehouses/ stores for district and block levels respectively
across both the states to understand current practices for forecasting/
demand estimation, warehousing, indenting, distribution systems,
last mile delivery/availability and understand usage of logistics
managements information systems for essential medicines including
IFA and calcium up to the facility level. The tools will be field tested
and shall be finalized in consultation with NI. The selected agency
will conduct a rapid assessment at various levels from state to
community level to understand the bottlenecks in procurement and
supply chain.
- Supply Chain Improvement Framework/Implementation plan:
Based on the assessments, state-specific models including detailed
implementation plan/ blueprint to be developed by the agency with
inputs from NI and other relevant stakeholders including govt. depts.
- Pilot to demonstrate use of technology/application in strengthening IFA & calcium
supply chain management for last mile delivery:
Based on the findings from the rapid assessment, the agency will
explore possibility of developing and use of simple technology to
track the regular stock status update, focusing on IFA and Ca on
pilot basis, at last mile i.e., with FLWs on real-time basis.
- Capacity building on Supply Chain Management. Develop
Standard Operating Procedures (SoP) and training package on
supply chain management
of IFA & Calcium:
Based on the findings from the rapid assessment the agency will
develop SoP and/or adapt existing state guidelines that include all
components of supply chain in a narrative but in easy language for
all the stakeholders to understand and put the same in practice. A
training module will be developed in consultation with NI and other
stakeholders and should be field tested to ensure that it is
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userfriendly and can be adopted by service providers. The training
package would contain two components - 1) training content
including the SOPs for all the staff involved in procurement, supply
chain management i.e., inventory management and distribution
including involved in LMIS; and 2) training content for frontline
workers on last mile supply chain aspects to be integrated into their
technical training package on maternal nutrition, including IFA and
calcium supplementation counselling and adherence aspects of their
service delivery.
- Training on Supply Chain Management:
The agency bringing its expertise in supply chain needs support the
implementing partner deployed by NI under this IR project to
conduct capacity building workshops of district and block officials/
staff, storekeepers, pharmacists, and front-line workers in four
intervention blocks (across two states) on various aspects of
forecasting, warehousing, inventory management, raising an indent
and distribution.