ANIKA Chatbot

Anemia Information and Knowledge Accelerator also known as ANIKA is an innovative, intelligent, low-cost digital tool that is a WhatsApp-based, AI-enabled, interactive BOT in vernacular language empowering rural women and front-line health workers by delivering invaluable knowledge, easy-to-use critical medicine tracking, and monitoring features to aid in their healthcare decisions.

The Tattva Foundation, guided by insights gained from field visits and prior iterations of the chatbot, formerly known as RATI, started working to refine the chatbot's flow and content.

The modifications primarily focused on improving the system architecture, content format and language.

Pilot testing of chatbot

Multiple rounds of online and offline training and demonstration was done with field implementation partners, health department officials and front-line workers in Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. The content was shared with the NI team for initial feedback and refined based on their input. With these latest modifications, an online demonstration of the chatbot was presented to the JSI field team to gather their feedback on user experience, ease of use, and content validity, alongside suggestions for improvement and additional content requirements.

Post each training and demonstration sessions, the participants were given a 10-minute break to explore the chatbot on their own. This was followed by a feedback and Q&A session, where participants were able to ask questions and provide feedback. Changes and additions were then incorporated in the chatbot based on the feedbacks received.

Screens of Application


Getting started

Using one of method mentioned above the user can connect and start conversation with ANIKA.. The chat will be initiated and user to send in Hi message

Language selection

User has option to select his/her preferred language option at the beginning of the chat.

Registration process


As a first step interaction, explanation about chatbot and consent for interaction with the user is taken before moving on the Registration

User categories

The user can select any one of the category to register and conversations and interaction with the user will be tailored accordingly.

Registration process

User information

Basic user information like Name, age, geographical details, pregnancy month etc are taken from the user

Confirmation and changes

The user has option of changing the information provided and confirming the user information.

Initial interaction

Interactive messaging

Based on the user category, ANIKA will interact with the users, based on the user category and further options to explore the content is provided to the user. This option is available to users at regular intervals

Option to explore the content

Beneficiary option

The beneficiaries will be provided with drop down options to explore the chatbot. The contents include information on Anemia, child care, pregnancy care, family planning and other govt schemes (JSSK,PMMVY etc)

Health worker options

Apart from the above options, the health worker has option for stock calculation monthly stock calculation and annual stock forecasting)

Stock calculation for health worker

Annual and monthly forecasting

Monthly and Annual stock calculation is available for the health worker. Anika asks series of questions regarding current beneficiaries and available stock and provides them number of tablets required for this month or year.
