Contract management System (CMS)


DH, CMO office, CHC, PHC, SC

Number of Users

25 Users

Brief Description

A contract management system is a software application designed to streamline and automate the process of creating, executing, and managing contracts. It helps the organization to efficiently handle their contracts, improve compliance, reduce risk, and enhance overall contract lifecycle management. NHP Contract management system (CMS) is the web and android based application to manage the procurement and contact management process and generate the desired reports.

Here are some key details and features of NHP Contract Management System (CMS):

  1. Masters' creation and Mapping: Admin user has the rights to create the various kind of masters like geography masters (district, block, village etc.), facility masters, Activity maters, contract type masters, procurement methods, procurement stages etc. And also map the masters with the other masters to use in the system.
  2. User Management: Admin user can create and manage the users and their role and permissions.
  3. Procurement creation and Management: System allows users to create the procurement using predefined templet or customised format. Also, user can manage the procurement processes till the procurement process completion like Advertisement, Invitation and sale of bids, bid opening, LOA and Contract signing, Award notification.
  4. Contract creation: System allows users to create contract and manage the further process of contract lifecycle.
  1. Contract Invoice: Under this functionality user can create the invoice details as per invoice submitted by vendor/contractor and update the approval and payment status for the invoice. User also can see the invoice payment status.
  2. Contract Monitoring: There is an android application to monitor the progress of the contracts. Monitoring application is being used by JEs. In this application activity wise progress report is being entered by JEs against each activity and target/plan.
  3. Reports: System has multiple reports to monitor the progress of procurement and contracts and can be downloaded in excel format.

Screens of some functionalities
