Community Action for Health and Nutrition (CAHN)


DH, CMO office, CHC, PHC, SC

Number of Users

55 Users

Brief Description

Community Action for Health and Nutrition (CAHN) is a DHIS2 based application designed to manage and automate various activity of village and health committees. DHIS2 serves as a central repository for all committee-related data, enabling efficient storage, retrieval, and analysis of information.

The primary purpose of CAHN is to streamline community and health facility level committees, enhance data accuracy, and improve decision-making related to action required for community health and nutrition related. NHP Community Action for Health and Nutrition (CAHN) is the web-based application to streamline committee level activities and generate the desired reports.

Here are some key details and features of Community Action for Health and Nutrition (CAHN):

  1. Masters' creation and Mapping: Admin user has the rights to create the various kind of masters like geography masters (district, block, etc.), facility masters, Designation Master, qualification master, category master, service class master, pay commission masters, pay band master, leave master, cadre master etc. And also map the masters with the other masters to use in the system.
  2. User Management: Admin user can create and manage the users and their role and permissions.
  3. Committee registration: System allows users to register new committee in the system using predefined templet or customised format.
  4. Result Based Fund (RBF) Cycle creation: System allows users to create and update result-based fund (RBF) cycle and manage the further process of RBF cycle. RBF cycle will be of six-month duration.
  1. Reports: System has multiple reports to monitor the progress of procurement and contracts and can be downloaded in excel format.

Screens of some functionalities
