Intervention design Study to Test the Effectiveness, Feasibility, and Acceptability of a Designed Intervention
for Improved Routine Immunization Uptake

Through a series of discussions workshop participants and health teams, the final interventions were refined and reiterated. These key interventions are now being piloted in specific blocks and villages chosen by the field teams.

The interventions were designed focused key behaviors of interest identified during the phase 1 (research):

Interventions designed for Meghalaya:

  • Mother support group
  • Utilizing social recognition as means to increase male participation
  • Leveraging role of village headman in Village health council meetings
  • Active utilization of faith- based leaders for child immunization

Interventions designed for UP

  • Brick Kiln Swasthya Utsav - Health camps in brick kilns
  • Father support groups- Urban Men Boosting Immunization
  • Bangle Factory Sensitization Program - Engaging Urban Males in Routine Immunization
  • Dadi Doots: Celebrating Immunization Champions!

Following the pilot period, a comprehensive evaluation will be carried out to assess the effectiveness and scalability of the proposed interventions.
