HRMIS Module


The objective of the HRMIS (Human Resource Management Information System) module in the BRLPS ERP MST project is to optimize and streamline the management of human resources within the organization. This module aims to facilitate efficient recruitment processes, maintain accurate employee records, and automate tasks such as attendance tracking, leave management, and payroll processing. Additionally, it empowers employees through self-service functionalities, ensures compliance with regulatory requirements, and provides comprehensive reporting and dashboards for monitoring key HR metrics. The HRMIS module is designed to enhance overall HR efficiency, data accuracy, and transparency, contributing to effective workforce management and organizational success.


  • Streamline Recruitment: Optimize and automate transparent recruitment processes.
  • Centralized Employee Data: Create a repository for accurate and accessible employee records.
  • Contract Management: Track and manage employee contracts in a centralized system.
  • Attendance Tracking: Implement real-time attendance monitoring through various channels.
  • Leave Automation: Automate leave application, approval, and tracking processes.
  • Self-Service Options: Empower employees with self-service features for personal information and leave requests.
  • KRA Alignment: Implement a system for defining, tracking, and assessing employee KRAs.
  • Robust Payroll: Develop a compliant payroll system with accurate handling of components.
  • Loan and Advance Management: Administer employee loans, advances, and salary disbursements systematically.
  • Exit Process Streamlining: Streamline employee exit processes and maintain comprehensive records.
  • Reporting and Dashboards: Generate customized reports and dashboards for HR metrics and analytics.
  • Expense Management: Customize approval processes and ensure accurate recording of employee expenses.


  • Efficient Recruitment: Streamlined hiring processes and standardized assessments.
  • Centralized Records: Repository for accurate and accessible employee information.
  • Contract Tracking: Centralized management of employee contracts and related documents.
  • Attendance Monitoring: Real-time tracking through various channels (mobile, kiosk, biometric).
  • Automated Leave: Streamlined leave processes with accurate balance maintenance.
  • Self-Service Options: Employee access to personal information and leave requests.
  • KRA Alignment: System for defining, tracking, and assessing individual and organizational goals.
  • Compliant Payroll: Robust system following Indian regulations and accurate component handling.
  • Loan and Advance Management: Systematic administration of loans, advances, and salary disbursements.
  • Streamlined Exits: Efficient exit processes, including interviews and comprehensive record-keeping.
  • Reporting and Dashboards: Customized reports and management dashboards for HR metrics.
  • Expense Management: Customizable approval processes and accurate recording of expenses.

Screens of Application

User Login & Reset Password

User Login Process:

Employee ID is assigned as a user ID and password by default; the user can change his password later. User should enter the Employee ID as a username & password, then click the login button for login.

Reset Password:

If the user has forgotten his password or wishes to change it, go to the login page and select 'Reset Password,' then enter the registered email address in the popup and click the 'Confirm' button. A new password will be sent to the user's registered email ID.

User Profile & Menu

User Profile:

Users can add/update their profile details click on the ‘My Profile’ button at the top right corner in the dashboard screen.

The employee can request the Leave by clicking the "Request Time Off" tab in the upper left corner of the Profile section. Employees can also use the "Request Allocation" option to apply for allocations and track their progress.


All models relevant to the employee's post will be displayed here. For Human Resources employees all these modules are displayed here.- (Discuss, Calender, Tour/Travel, HR, Attendance, Leave) Employees can access that module by clicking on the module's name.

Discuss & Calendar


In the 'Discuss' section users can discuss with their supervisors. To begin a discussion, go to the Discussion section and select the General option. To view the received messages, navigate to the 'Inbox' option and go to the 'History' option to view the discussion's history. Filter and Favorites option is also there.


In the 'Calendar' section, the user can view all of his previous leave and tour details with approval status on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. Users can also schedule meetings and set reminders, similar to the Google Calendar.


Users can view their own profiles, as well as the profiles of all employees who report to them, in the HR section. Visit the user's profile to view a more detailed description of the user.

7.1 Employee’s Information: At the top of the screen, basic user information will appear, and have various types of information tabs at the bottom of the screen for other information- (Personal Information, Joining Information, Bank Details, Address & Contract, Education Information, Cost/Domicile Information, Experience Details, Assignment Details, Employee Mediclaim Details, Nominee Details, PF Nominee Details, and Attachments).

7.1.1 Personal Information: To view the employee’s personal information click on the ‘Personal Information’ tab and view the details.

By clicking on the other information section name, the user can view all of the information for the other subsections.


7.1.2 Profile Update: If an employee wishes to update his profile information, he may submit an update request to DPM after updating the required details, The DPM will review and recommend the received request, after which it will be forwarded to the SPM, who will approve or reject the changed profile details. To update the profile details click on the ‘Employees’ tab and select the ‘Update Profile’ option, after updating the required details click on the Save button to send the update request.

The request to update the profile details of DPM and SPM HR will be approved or rejected by the Director MIS head.


The employee user can mark the check In & out attendance on daily basis in the App version only, in the web version user can view their date-wise check-in and check-out history.

The day tenure of BPIU and DPCU is from 10 AM to 5 PM, with a relaxation allowed of 15 minutes and the day tenure of SPMU is from 10 AM to 6 PM, with a relaxation allowed of 15 minutes. If the user forgets to check out, it will check out automatically at 11 p.m. and the status will be updated. If the user is late three times in a month, he will lose one CL leave.
