The application also captures complications experienced by the mother and new born, outcome of the delivery: live birth and still birth, and survival status of the new born and her/his mother at the time of discharge from the health facility. One of the important features of this system is that it is able to capture every adverse outcome (stillbirth and new born death) that happen in these 4,300 facilities, who stayed in the facility for 1 days on average, and not referred. All maternal deaths during this period is also captured
सफलता पूर्वक लॉगिन होने के अगले पेज पर दो विकल्प दिखेंगे
प्रसव और रेफरल रजिस्टर ऑपशन पर क्लिक करें । यूजर प्रसव और रेफरल रजिस्टर डैशबोर्ड पेज पर पहुंचेगा ।
प्रसव सूची
मातृव भाग
ई - कवच
ऑब्सटेट्रिक विवरण
भर्ती के समय का विवरण
डिस्चार्ज के समय बच्चे की स्थिति
जटिलताएं (मां)
रेफर आउट सूची
मातृ रेफ़रल भाग (प्रसवपूर्व)